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fr:json_python2 [2017/03/20 10:49] (current)
mifrey created
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 +===== Utiliser l'API avec Python 2 =====
 +==== Exemple ====
 +<code python json_python2.py>
 +import urllib2
 +import json
 +calaos_url = 'https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/api.php' # Calaos server API url
 +calaos_user = 'XXX'
 +calaos_password = 'XXX'
 +# Parameters dictionary to be sent to Calaos server
 +dict_send = {
 + 'cn_user': calaos_user,
 + 'cn_pass': calaos_password,
 + 'action': 'get_home'  # get the complete configuration of the house
 + }
 +json_send = json.dumps(dict_send) # parameters string in JSON format
 +data_send = json_send.encode('ascii') # bytes data to be sent
 +headers_send = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} # media type of the data to be sent
 +request = urllib2.Request(calaos_url, data_send, headers_send) # data sent with POST method
 +response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
 +data_receive = response.read() # bytes data received
 +json_receive = data_receive.decode('ascii') # string received in JSON format
 +dict_receive = json.loads(json_receive) # dictionary received